Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Last Wilderness Blog - Elwha Post

Ken Campbell is a kayak and stand up paddle instructor and guide living in Tacoma, Wa. He has self published a series of NW kayaking guide books for his own company, Little Bay Press. In 2009, he paddled his 12' Laird stand up paddle board 150 miles throughout the Puget Sound to raise funds for the Washington Watertrails Association.

He also has a great blog called the Last Wilderness, focused on the Olympic Peninsula where the Elwha is located. His recent post is on the Elwha. Check it out HERE.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Garbage Collected Along the Elwha, Saturday Oct 31st.

This is one bag of three that we collected. Due to high tides and a large swell, more garbage was present.

Monday, November 2, 2009